Good FashionPlus SizeReviews

Discovering the Joy of Plus Size Fashion

Heather van Mil5679 views
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Women learn all about body changes from a fairly young age. Puberty to pregnancy, weight loss and weight gain, not to mention aging (as gracefully as we hope it may happen) it seems that our size and shape is ever-changing. Evolving right alongside is our sense of style, which can follow not only the whims of fashion trends, but the environments we find ourselves in everyday – student, corporate, family, professional, casual, the list goes on. With all of these changes, I was left with a closet bursting at the seams and nothing to wear. My wardrobe ran from a size 4 – 18, and spanned styles ranging from workout wear to black tie but none of it excited me. I hated getting dressed each day and felt like no matter what I put on, it didn’t represent me the way I wanted it to. My outsides never matched the way I felt inside, and it left me feeling constantly awkward. 

The final straw was yet another evolution, this time in the form of a major career change. After years of working in an über casual environment with tees and yoga pants as my uniform, I was now heading back into the professional world where my appearance was incredibly important and could win or lose me a lot of business. I needed to revamp my wardrobe and I had no clue where to start. Compounding the difficulty was that despite being a fashion lover, I had no clue how to style my post-2-babies-plus-major-injury body. I needed to call in the professionals. 

Enter The Joy of Style (formerly Yummy Mummy Makeovers). I will be perfectly honest and say that before our first consultation, I was more than a little anxious and ever so slightly intimidated. It’s a very personal thing to invite someone into your home to rifle through your closet and comment on your appearance, even more so when it comes in the package of two beautiful, well put together, stylish women. I was worried that I would feel frumpy; an out-of-place, hopeless case. It couldn’t have been further from the truth.

Joy of Style About Us
Dee & Mara, my new style BFF’s from The Joy of Style

From the first minute that Mara and Dee came into my home, I felt relaxed and comfortable. We started with the colour consult, and it was fascinating to see the process through their eyes and really learn what works best for me. Right away I knew I could go into any shopping experience and know if a colour was right for me. That tool alone is priceless.

Next was the dreaded closet consult. Except it was amazing. Not only did they show me new and fun ways to style some of the pieces I already had, but Mara and Dee also helped me realize that regardless of what size I was, I wouldn’t be the same person that wore all the old clothes I had been hoarding wistfully hanging on to. I had been afraid that by letting go of those too small pieces, I would be admitting defeat, but that wasn’t the case. They helped me release close to 80% of my wardrobe, keeping only the clothes I absolutely loved and felt confident in, plus leaving room for whatever size or style changes lie ahead. We identified the gaps in my new wardrobe and I was ready to go find them! 

My last session with The Joy of Style was our shopping excursion. Now I know not everyone agrees, but I LOVE shopping. Unfortunately, when you don’t know or can’t find those pieces that suit you best, it can be discouraging to the most enthusiastic of shoppers. It can be additionally frustrating when you’re dealing with plus size fashion and the limited stores that carry those items. Thankfully Dee and Mara took care of all of that for me. Armed with my budget, a list of the pieces I needed and my measurements, they preshopped for me! Store by store they set aside all the things they thought would not only fill the gaps in my wardrobe, but that I would love putting on each morning. I just got to show up at the end, try everything on and decide which items I wanted to bring home. Fab! 

Joy of Plus Size Fashion Collage
A few of the stylish and comfy outfits put together by The Joy of Style

Since my experience with The Joy of Style, I wake up every morning with a neat and manageable closet. I know that no matter what I pull out, it will fit me perfectly. Casual or professional, I feel confident and comfortable, and most importantly – joyful! Dee and Mara reignited my love of clothes and introduced me to some amazing plus size fashion brands I never knew existed. Now when I get dressed, I’m not thinking about how something will fit me better when I lose a few pounds, or how I wish I could fit into my old jeans. I’m excited to wear what fits me now, helping me put my best foot forward whether with my kids or my clients. 

Looking to inject some joy back into your wardrobe? Connect with The Joy of Style on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest


All on the table disclaimer: While I was compensated for this post, all opinions are my own, and I’d never share anything less thank stellar with my fave readers. 

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