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Yes I have decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon. I’ve held off so long, skeptical that a) I didn’t have anything to say, d) even if I had something to say, I didn’t have an audience and c) a general avoidance of doing anything trendy for trendy’s sake. So what’s changed?

For starters, I’ve been doing a lot of guest blogging. In my capacity as General Manager at Gymboree in North VanΒ (here on FB) and Mom to a Heart Baby, I’ve done a lot of guest blogging and article writing (examples here, here and here). It made me realize that hey, I actually have something to say! Occasionally at any rate.

In the midst of doing these spots i realized how much I missed writing. It is something I thoroughly enjoy and often is cathartic when writing about difficult experiences.

I think one of the biggest reasons I’ve started now is that I’ve realized what amazing community of bloggers there is out there. Some of my recently discovered faves are Little Miss Mama, North Shore Mama, Active Mama,Three Chickens and a Boat and Blunt Moms just to name a few (not forgetting the amazing blogs linked above). With each new discovery, I grew to realize that I wanted to be more then just a guest in this great group!

I was worried about how I might classify myself; focus on child development and all things related to my field? Cooking and my obsession with any meal that can be frozen? Personal experiences and my crazy kids? Favourite local businesses and the people who love them? And then I realized – what is probably quite obvious to most – why pigeonhole myself? I am all of these things and they are all a part of me! So be prepared for a hodgepodge of posts, tell me what you like and ESPECIALLY what you don’t. It’s gonna be a fun ride!


  1. I assume you have had your little one! We haven’t seen you in a while so Congratulations! I am looking forward to reading the blog πŸ˜‰

    1. Thanks Marya! So miss seeing you guys at Gymboree. Yes, Aven joined the family in March so life is crazy. Hope to catch up soon!

  2. So excited you’ve finally launched your blog! And yes….do write about whatever you want, whenever you want, without limiting yourself to certain topics. Look forward to reading more!

    1. Hi Brie, I think it will be a bit of everything! Big focus on child development, cooking/recipes, and LOTS of the amazing local businesses and people that I’ve had the pleasure of working with and love. I’d love to hear the things you’d be interested in reading about! Thanks for your comment πŸ™‚

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