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New Year, Same Me

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New Year, Same Me

Most people make New Year’s Resolutions for things they want to change in their lives. What they want to start over or do differently. It’s what I’ve usually occasionally done, but not this year. This year my resolutions will be things I want to keep doing. Sounds like a cop-out, no? It’s not.

If you are anything like me, you are excited by new things. Nothing spurs me on and motivates me like something new; a change in my routine, a break from the doldrums, a bump out of the rut – you get the idea. Starting something new is easy. Sticking with something new is HARD. I only need to take a quick moment to inventory the number of things that I have started and not completed. I won’t bore you or embarrass myself by listing them, but it’s not a pretty picture. Follow through is not my strength, stick-to-it-iveness not my forte.

So what do I resolve to keep on doing?

1. One on one time with my kids. I have been very diligent to spend special one on one time with each of my girls, and I notice a big difference when it occasionally gets interrupted. We all need it big time, and with me going back to work, this is my numero uno

2. Blogging. My blog is now 4 months old, and growing in leaps and bounds each month. It’s cathartic, exciting and who knows where it could lead. Some days it’s easy to write, some days it’s hard, but I will persevere!

3. Making healthy, homemade food for my family. I have really fallen of the wagon with this one, especially over the holidays and it is evident around my waist and in my bank account! I will stock up my freezer with yummy, healthy pre-made dinners (and maybe even some breakfasts) and be diligent in having fresh fruit and veg to fill the gaps in between

So here I go, keep on keeping on. What so you resolve to continue to do in this fresh new year?

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