#GoodFriendsFriday Linky PartyGood Friends

#GoodFriendsFriday Linky Party #8

Heather van Mil11 comments4543 views
#GoodFriendsFriday Linky Party

#GoodFriendsFriday Linky Party

It’s just been a few days since I returned from Blissdom Canada 2015 and my mind is still reeling! 4 days of learning, connecting and PARTYING has left me with a full head and an even fuller heart. I met so many people, heard their amazing stories and it made me so thankful to have a platform to share them on! 

Our last linky party (which was actually 2 weeks ago because last Friday I was eyeball deep in everything Bliss), I dedicated it to my fellow Blissdom bloggers, and I loved having the chance to read their stories and get to know a bit about them before I met them in person. There were many great posts to read, from fashion to food and more, but I chose to highlight these 3 below due to their personal nature and how they allowed me to get to know the bloggers on a deeper level. 


This post really spoke to me because I am ALWAYS the one feeling social awkward and relieved when someone else makes the first move and comes to talk to me. It’s refreshing to know I’m not the only one! 

Williams Syndrome Wednesday - MommyDo

I loved this post because I could really feel the heart and passion infused in every word. I felt like her cause was my cause and I was inspired and moved by her story. Also because I’m a huge Jennifer Weiner fan.  

You in Grade 2 - TwoFunMoms

Maybe it’s because I have a daughter. Maybe it’s because she’s in grade 2. Maybe it’s because she’s always been wise beyond her years. Any of these reasons could be why this post resonated with me so much. Or maybe, like the others above, it’s because the writing was so infused with the author’s emotions that you can’t help but feel them. It’s certainly not because I miss living on a farm 😉 

Now it’s your turn. We’re back to connecting online, rather than in person again so please share, share, share! 

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  1. Thanks Heather! I’m glad you enjoyed my post (even if you do not enjoy life on a farm)! This linky party is a fun idea; thanks for doing it!

    1. I don’t NOT enjoy life on a farm, I just don’t miss it. There is a difference. 😉 Keep linking, I love reading your posts!

  2. Thanks for hosting such a fun party, some may be annoyed by me linking up a holiday post but I simply can not wait! Have a great week 🙂 xo

  3. Thanks for another fun #GoodFriendsFriday linky party Heather! <3

    What a fab pic of so many great ladies that were at Bliss this year; it was certainly a fun time to be had. And so inspiring, wow!

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