Letters to Adri were my "gateway" into blogging. I came across this one from 18 months ago over the holidays
Photo copyright SarahJane Photography www.sarahjanemphotography.com Dear Adri, Today you are 5 and I have so many mixed feelings about this
Who's the pretty girl? Aven is 9 months old today! She has developed so much personality over this past month
Place of honour atop the piano I love holiday traditions. I am the mom trying to squeeze every single possible
Aven is 8 months old today! She continues to grow and develop fast and furiously, always keeping us on our
What does a day in my life look like? I think the better question is what doesn't it look like?
Growing up in a very small town with 3 much older siblings, safety wasn't my first priority. If I got
You don't know pain as a mother until you listen to your 4 year old crying and throwing up in
Today my baby is 7 months old - where does the time go? 6-7 months has been a big one
Image found at http://allforesther.blogspot.ca/ I love this quote. I think it captures a tiny bit of the helplessness parents often