Good Fun

Adri and the Bean: A Review

hvanmil4 comments4615 views

Ever since my second daughter Aven joined our little family 8 months ago, I make a concerted effort to have weekly one on one time with my almost 5 year old, Adri. Our Mommy Dates have ranged from outings to the playground and library, movies and lunch, spa and shoe shopping, to trampoline parks and Playland! I felt like we had almost exhausted the novel when I came across this post by Parrish Wilson over at Just Another Mompreneur. Adri and I were the lucky winners of 2 tickets to see Jack and the Bean, the Presentation House Theatre’s latest offering for children.

It was an exciting outing from start to finish. We chose the 7pm performance, which prompted Adri to inquire, as we were getting ready “Mommy can I wear my pyjamas since we’re going out in the middle of the night?” Despite the urge to dress fancy for our date, we both chose comfy outfits and I’m glad we did as parents and children alike are encouraged to sit in “the garden” on the floor for this very interactive show (there are regular theatre seats as well if you are unable to sit on the floor or just choose to be a party pooper).

Jack and the Farmer growing the beanstalk

Right from the beginning both Adri and I were transfixed. This is not a show just for kids with adults simply tagging along. Despite being a 2 man show the room was filled with the larger then life characters who skillfully interacted with us in the garden while keeping the narrative moving along seamlessly. Threaded through the laughing, singing and dancing (yes we did a conga line!) the kids learned how to compost, how some bugs help to fertilize a garden and even a bit about old Hollywood – as the giant named all the flowers in his garden after great silver screen actors. It was worked into the dialogue so smoothly that it didn’t feel like a play striving to be educational, it simply was. We each left with a magic bean and the desire to cultivate beautiful, magical gardens of our own.

The giant sharing his ‘black gold’ treasure with his garden full of old-time Hollywood stars

It was our first time attending a performance at the Presentation House and if Jack is any indication of the calibre of their work, it most certainly won’t be the last. At $10 per ticket, it is an excellent value and having seen it once for free, I would pay to see it a second time – it was that good! I’ve already subscribed to their mailing list so I don’t miss out on any future kids shows, and I have my eye on a few of their musical offerings for next date night with hubby. Sinterklaas will definitely be slipping some tickets into Adri’s klompen this year!

Adri and I meet the wonderful cast. Note the super fake smile that says “I’m still not convinced that the giant won’t come out and eat us while we post for this photo”


  1. I agree! It was a fantastic show!! Carmen was a bit apprehensive at first, but once she got settled, she was transfixed! I hear the same person wrote an adaptation of Where The Wild Things Are that will be playing again at the Presentation House in the new year–we will definately be going!!
    Great review!

  2. Beautifully written post! Thank you again for coming out to see our show. It was so great to have you there and to meet your little one! (hopefully she now realizes the giant isn’t coming after her!)

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