Good Finds

Top 5 Budget Friendly Stocking Stuffers for Baby

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My favourite baby stocking stuffers
My favourite baby stocking stuffers

It is my 9 month old’s first Christmas this year and I am so excited! I love everything about Christmas; the lights, the tree (yes a real one), the food, the family, the occasional snow in Vancouver and finding the perfect gift you know someone is going to love!! Stockings to me are more fun then presents under the tree, which is why I was so surprised to hear that many families don’t do stockings for their baby’s first Christmas – the thinking being that ‘they’re just babies and I don’t want more junk in my house’! I’m all for keeping clutter and cheap things out of my house, which is why I put together this amazing stocking for Santa to bring my baby. It is filled with:

1. Shoes
Ok can we pause for a moment so I can express how much I would LOVE a stocking filled with shoes for myself?! Hint hint hubby. Anyways, I don’t know about you, but we are always losing half of a set of footwear just like we do mitts and socks and anything that comes in a pair. I buy everything I can second-hand and this is no exception. Between Craigslist and local Facebook swap pages (you can also try sites like Kijiji and I got 3 pairs of warm boots, 3 pairs of shoes and 2 pairs of Robeez. 8 sets of footwear for $30. That’s around $4 a pair, and includes great brands like Gymboree, Nike and Jack & Lily! Now we will always have a matching pair (I hope)!

8 pairs for $30 is my kind of deal!

2. Soothers
If your baby is a soother baby like mine is, then this is a great item to stock up on. Inexpensive and always needed as soothers disappear just as much as the paired footwear mentioned above. My little one prefers the green Phillips Avent Soothie, so I got 4 soothers in 2 packs of 2 for $4 each pack.

3. Frozen Teething items
I never needed teething toys for my oldest, she sailed through teething like a champ but this time around is a completely different story! Frozen teethers are a staple in this household, but my 9 month old goes through them so quickly and they take so long to freeze that it’s definitely a case of the more the merrier. There is a wide price range from $2 – $20 depending on size and material, so you can find the one that fits your budget best. There are many cheaper ones, but we prefer wooden ones with cloth attachments like these great ones I found on Etsy.

4. Organic Mum Mums
Our stockings all have some sort of treat in them, and since I’m not about to give a baby chocolate, her treat this year will be a few packs of Organic Mum Mums. It’s not something we normally have in the house as I want we eating to be as nutritionally dense as possible, so this is definitely a treat for her! Picked up a 24 count box for $4.99

5. Cloth Diapers
The baby stage is the perfect time to set a precedent of practical gifts. Buying things as presents that you would have to spend money on anyways is a great budget saver. In this instance, it’s cloth diapers. Whether you pick up a few second-hand or splurge on one special (maybe seasonal) new one, it makes for an excellent stocking stuffer. My personal favourites are Rumparooz. Prices range from $5 each second-hand to $25+ brand new.

There are so many great practical and affordable stocking stuffer ideas that it’s hard to choose just 5! You know your baby will love them as much as she loves playing with the empty stocking itself!

What are you stuffing your baby’s stocking with?


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