I had the opportunity to attend an Infant Sleep workshop last week hosted by Modern…
Sleep, Glorious Sleep!
So my 18 month old FINALLY slept through the night last night AND slept in. For those of you who are not intimately familiar with the sleep routines (or lack thereof) chez van Mil, this is a big deal. A really, REALLY big deal (hence all the CAPS and exclamation marks)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After the initial terror of waking up convinced my baby had died in her sleep had faded, I had the most productive morning of her entire life. This morning I actually spent quality time playing Lego and reading books with my children – and enjoyed it – instead of zoning out in front of Curious George. I loaded, ran and unloaded the dishwasher, as well as packed my oldest’s lunch for school while they enjoyed the healthy breakfast I made for them, as opposed to my 6-year-old grabbing whatever she can reach from the fruit bowl or fridge and sharing with her sister, while we’re zoned out in front of Curious George. I did my daughter’s hair in her favourite loopdy-loop double pony tail instead of sending her to school looking like a poster child of neglect. I swept and steam mopped the kitchen, bathroom and hallway floors. I did 2 loads of laundry. I organized our cupboards. I even washed the dusty air vents and kitchen walls. I wrote and published this blog post. Most impressively, I greeted my hubby with a smile and a kiss when he came home from work, instead of the grunt and flick of the eyes that he usually gets when we’re zoned out in front of Curious George. All of this accomplished BEFORE 9 am. I am a new woman!

Now I’m assuming I’ll get absolutely nothing done for the rest of the day, but that’s fine by me. I can’t help but wonder, is this what normal people feel like? You know, those mythical creatures whose children sleep through the night on a regular basis? At first I didn’t believe they existed, but now I’m starting to see the light – and the sleep – at the end of the tunnel.
Go on, torture me. Do your kids sleep well?
Although my daughter is 18 now, I feel your pain! Or should I say exhaustion? It took about 3 years before she slept through the night, fully and completely.
It wreaked havoc on my brain and I swear I still have sleep deprivation because of it.
(Hope that doesn’t scare you lol).
This is why I am such a big advocate for mom and taking care of ourselves! It is so important to maintain balance and a happy home life. (As you could see by having all that energy, right?)
Fingers crossed you get more and more sleep laden night!
Thanks for reading! Apparently my older daughter spoiled us by sleeping through the night at 12 months. I really hope my youngest has finally got the hang of things 🙂