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Run Away

Heather van Mil2 comments5554 views


Do you ever feel like running away?

We’re always told that we shouldn’t run away from our problems, that we should courageously face them head on. Well this weekend I ran away. And loved it. In fact, I recommend everyone runs away once in a while!

Perhaps I should provide a little context before you decide you are ready to join the circus. Like many parents, I struggle with finding a good balance between work and home life. In our house “good work-life balance” is a myth and we seem to swing wildly from work focused to home focused, throwing equilibrium out the window! Anyone relating? For me, it was important that I stay home with my girls as much as I could while they were young, so whole my oldest is now in full-time public school, my 18 month old goes to daycare just once a week. With a long to-do list piling up, an extra long holiday weekend wiping out my daycare day and a conference taking up any work time the following weekend, I decided to run away!

I found a fantastic deal on Hotwire at a posh downtown hotel, packed up my laptop and settled in for 3 days and nights of peaceful, productive, uninterrupted work (and sleep)! It was heaven. For the first time in my life, I actually checked off every single thing on my to do list! Not to mention the luxury of eating my meals, going to the bathroom and showering with nary a whine at the door. Don’t get me wrong, I desperately missed my munchkins the moment I opened the door to my suite but now I get to go home rested, relaxed and eager to see them and able to give them 100% of my attention for 2 blissful school and work free days, without my mind wandering to the looming to-do list or trying to squeeze ‘just-one-more-thing’ into nap times. Just as I have enjoyed the uninterrupted work time, I will cherish the uninterrupted family time.

Now if only someone would come and check off my home to do list, I would be totally free. I mean, those dishes won’t wash themselves!


  1. This sounds like a great idea! Definitely can relate. I agree that many say to face your challenges (I do all the time) but putting some space between you & your problems is a way of facing them. Giving yourself some space to think & detach can give you a new perspective! Great advice!!!

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