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*GIVEAWAY* All I Want For Christmas is a……Tattoo? #OneDayKids

Heather van Mil131 comments18679 views

Christmas has been a little late in coming to the van Mil house this year. I am normally the first in line at the tree lot on opening day, and blasting the Christmas music as soon as the jack-o-lanterns have decomposed are put away, but this year it snuck up on me. I’m slowly catching up; plans have been made for the tree, chocolate letters have been bought, there are a few presents hiding around the house, and I made these super cute Christmas videos to share with friends and family using the OneDay App. You can even play fun trivia games with them. For example, in this video, see if you can guess my 20 month old’s favourite word!


OneDay is an instant movie maker app that makes it simple, fun and easy to create short movies of your child’s life! It was so simple that my 6-year-old quickly took over (with some minor reading help from me), and now I have a budding dictator director on my hands!



Their fun story sets include topics for babies, toddlers, kids and adults as well as some rotating themed ideas like Thanksgiving, Halloween and – of course – Christmas! Preserving precious memories is as easy as recording video clips answering their question sets and pressing done! You can re-record segments you don’t like, skip questions you don’t want and when you are ready, the app automatically stitches the videos together and adds music to make a special memory that you can share with all your loved ones. Best of all, you can look back on these treasured moments long after your Christmas tattoos have faded and stretched (watch the video).


Thanks to OneDay, and a fantastic group of bloggers, not only can you create your own holiday hilarity, but you can also win a $150 Visa Gift Card while you’re at it! The giveaway is open to the US and Canada, and you can enter as many times as rafflecopter allows. Good luck, have fun and PLEASE share all your festive films and questionable tattoos with me!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

All on the table disclaimer: While I was compensated for this post, all opinions are completely honest and totally my own and you know I would never share anything less than superbly stellar with all my fave readers. 


  1. Such sweet videos! My most treasured memories of Christmas are Christmas mornings – as a child and now as a parent. Being a kid on Christmas is pretty great, but HAVING kids on Christmas is even better! Such a magical time 🙂

    1. It’s so true, and we are lucky enough to do it twice with Sinterklaas visiting on “Dutch Christmas” at the beginning of the month 🙂

  2. We don’t really have a tradition yet, but we really like going to see lights in the neighbourhood, and spending time with friends.

  3. I don’t really have traditions. We will always do a gingerbread house and I love doing that with my little one. Cookie baking is huge and something we enjoy .

  4. My most treasured Christmas memory was sleeping in my brothers room on Christmas Eve and whoever was the first person to wake up, woke up the other two. Usually it would be 5am when we all woke up 🙂 Then we would go bug mom and dad till they got out of bed so we could open our presents 🙂

    1. Sounds very familiar! Our house was the same growing up, although my parents were early risers so they were often already up 🙂

  5. I would have to say its christmas eve when we get all the kids together and build gingerbread houses!

  6. Our Christmas eve party! Friends, family, good food, Christmas movies and a visit from Santa for the kids!

  7. Christmas Eve has been the same for over 25 years now! We all head out for Japanese food, then go for a drive following the Holiday Lights Tour and then drive home along the ocean front! It makes for a great Christmas Eve!

  8. Making our all-edible Christmas tree. Strings of popcorn and cranberry, decorated sugar cookies wrapped in plastic, popcorn balls, candy canes, bags of gold coins, and more! It was fun, and we would sneak taste treats when nobody was looking.

  9. Christmas eve we always have appetizers for dinner. Christmas morning we open our stocking while having coffee, then the gifts and then sit down to a family breakfast. Then the afternoon is spend getting the turkey dinner ready. We keep the tradition the same every year!

  10. We kick off our celebrations with going to the Santa Claus parade and then decorate the tree.

  11. With our immediate family our treasured family Christmas traditions is celebrating St. Nicholas Day Dec. 6th, where our kids get their stockings.

  12. Every Christmas eve since I was a child, we have a pajama party and sing christmas carols as well as all the sisters make Christmas morning wifesaver for the big days Christmas. These are all cherished traditions that I hope continue for many more generations.

  13. Having an assortment of fresh bakery pastries & coffee on Christmas morning. Our grandma used to bring them for breakfast every Christmas day. She has passed on, but we carry on that tradition like she is still there with us.

    1. That’s so awesome that you are carrying on the tradition in memory of your grandma! This is my first Christmas without my Dad and I know it will be a tough one.

  14. We spend time playing street hockey into the night on christmas eve! Than indulge in hot chocolate & food. 🙂

  15. A Big Chrustmas day Pot Luck Brunch Before Presents a Family Hockey Game for the annual cup then a Huge Turkey dinner feast

  16. Favorite holiday tradition – Dec 1st – unveil “Advent Chocolate Calendar”. Use to pin to the wall one calendar – Santa wants one now too *CHUCKLE*

    Eva Mitton-Urban

  17. Our most treasured holiday tradition is having everyone in the extended family over for Christmas Lunch and playing games like family feud after

  18. For our family it would be “Turkey Soup Day”…..Dec. 26 the kids all come back over for Turkey Soup and turkey sandwiches. Good times!

  19. Making a “crostata” with my mom… I’m not even sure I spelled that right but they are darn good, and I love getting together with her to make it every year

  20. My dad always gets king shrimp and frys them up for us and serves along with cocktail sauce while we open gifts! It’s a splurge we all love!

  21. One Christmas gift on christmas eve for the boys, just like my Dad did for me growing up.

  22. Decorating the Christmas Tree . . . the ornaments are precious reminders of special people or things as well as places we have travelled!

    1. That is so special! Each year at the beginning of December, Sinterklaas brings a new, special ornament for each family member to put on the tree. Makes me miss my Christmas tree at my parents, growing up

  23. Spending Christmas eve at my Grandparent’s house and giving all of the little ones a present to open before heading home (always PJ’s that they change into before leaving so they can hop right in bed from the car)

  24. Taking a day and baking goodies. It has been a tradition since I was a child and some great memories with my grandmother.

  25. Our most treasured family holiday tradition would have to be waking up super early and opening presents on Christmas day!

  26. It has always been a tradition to share a nice family meal with my Aunts, Uncles, and cousins during the holidays. When I was younger, my aunt used to invite us over to her house for a homemade meal. Now that she’s older, we tend to go out to eat more during the holidays. I can’t wait for the day when I get to return the favor and invite my relatives over for dinner- just as soon as I finish school, pay off all my tuition, and get my own place! Happy holidays everyone!

  27. Our most treasured is telling each other what we are appreciative of no matter how big or small

  28. The Christmas Eve Parties – The whole group of family, extended family and friends would drop in at some point of Christmas eve

  29. My most treasured is going to my grandparents for Christmas eve dinner, then when we returned home Santa had come to our house and we opened our presents.

  30. Most treasured Xmas tradition is reading the Night before christmas with my family around on Christmas eve.

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