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Phenomena, do do do do do…..

Heather van Mil2688 views

Obscure Muppets reference aside, one of my favourite things in school as a kid was participating in science fairs (yeah, alright, I was kind of a geek, I’ll admit)! I’ll never forget my grade 8 project on vision and dissecting an eyeball as part of the display. Gross yes, but it got us to the regional level (a big accomplishment in a small school)!!

I love that my girls have just as keen an interest in science topics, especially when it concerns animals. Both of my kids, 6 and 2, would much rather watch a live action animal documentary than a cartoon any day, and my 6-year-old is constantly quizzing me on volcanoes, earthquakes, tornadoes and other natural phenomena. We have Pinterest boards overflowing with science activities for kids, like this fabulous one here. Luckily Netflix has a fantastic array of shows to satisfy their never-ending curiosity! 

Check out these titles and let the ‘sparks fly’…For Your Little kids:


1. The Magic School Bus Gains Weight
2. Fetch! with Ruff
3. Animal Mechanicals, Balloon Volcano Island
4. Sid the Science Kid

And Your Big Kids:


1. Nova: Hunting the Elements
2. Cosmos
3. Deadliest Volcanoes: Nova
4. Let Your Mind Wonder

 Tell me, what is your favourite science topic to explore with your kids? And more importantly, how many of you got my obscure Muppets reference??

All on the Table Disclosure: I am a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam program, and receive special perks for sharing all my family’s favourites with you. I was not financially compensated for this post, and I would never share anything less than superbly stellar with my fave readers!  

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