Good Family

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall

Heather van Mil6342 views

Ok, I know it’s not technically Fall yet, but with the first day of school coming up next week, it sure feels that way. B2S always feels like the end of Summer, even if the season isn’t officially over. Anyone else feel this way?

As a kid I always loved Fall, but saying goodbye to Summer was always hard. And I still feel this way as an adult and especially as a Mom. Having the kids home all day can have it’s challenges of course (this WAHM definitely knows!) but so many beautiful memories are made and when else during the year do you have so much uninterrupted time to spend with family? And I know many Moms who enjoy getting off the daily rush/ routine of school and activities.

If you want it to, Summer can be a time to slow down and let the days unfold naturally. It doesn’t always happen that way, but there’s definitely something beautiful about not having to rush from one place to another within time restrictions. I love a routine, but it can be freeing to get away from the daily grind we face for most of the year. Who else feels this way?

But now as we’re about to turn the page of our memory books and start another school year, I get a little nostalgic but also excited for what the school year ahead will hold. Each new year the girls get a little older and I’m more and more aware of how quickly time passes. But there are so many milestones and memories to come, which helps soften their growing up. You hold on to what you can, and cherish the memories as you watch these little people grow. It really is an amazing thing.

So as we head into another school year and will soon say goodbye to Summer and embrace Fall, I look back on another Summer full of memories and look ahead to a year of many more awaiting to come. I’m going to have crazy mornings and bad days, I know. But overall the time will fly by and I’ll be left with the best of it all and laugh/ reflect/ toast to the more challenging parenting experiences I will endure. So here’s to you Summer- thank you for making my heart full with your beautiful days- and to you Fall- may you mark the beginning of many cozy days snuggling my girls and making sweet memories. 


Image Source: Pinterest




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