For KidsGood Finds

#ThriftorTreat at Value Village

Heather van Mil2 comments3947 views
Value Village #ThriftorTreat Collage on Life, Love and the Pursuit of Play


Ever since my 6-year-old was very young, we’ve had a special, if unusual Halloween tradition. We typically travel to Ontario for Canadian Thanksgiving, which (for those who don’t know) falls at the beginning of October. One year we were traveling back to BC just before Halloween when we realized we didn’t have a costume yet, so we popped into the closest shop to my mother-in-law’s house, which happened to be a Value Village. We found a cozy Halloween costume that my daughter fell in love with, and the rest was history.

Cheer Bear CareBear Halloween Costume from Value Village
Our First Value Village Costume – Cheer Bear!

Every year we go to the same Value Village, find an awesome costume, and pay an average of about $7 per costume! Not only is it a great price, but I love that we teaching our kids that there are great options for well-loved, reused/recycled things instead of always looking to buy new. In our house, where dress up is a common activity, and we now have 2 fashionable girls playing, these costumes get well used!

Given this history, I was so excited to get an invitation to join in the #ThriftorTreat experience at the original Value Village here in Vancouver! As always, I was thrilled by my finds. Not only did I score the CUTEST plush princess Halloween basket (which my 6-year-old went crazy for), but an entire range of animal dress up gear. Animal play pretend is the game du jour around our house so they fit in perfectly! The grand total for our Halloween haul was a whopping $48.

Value Village #ThriftorTreat Halloween Haul
The impressive Halloween Haul from my Value Village #ThriftorTreat shopping spree!

Whether looking for new or used Halloween costumes, accessories, decor or more, thanks to North Shore Mama, one lucky reader will win their own $100 Value Village shopping spree so you can get your #ThriftorTreat on this Halloween!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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