As the new year approaches, people often get reflective and introspective, pondering the things they…
Play on the Go

Let me set the scene. You have somehow miraculously managed to organize your week nice and neatly so that you have childcare arranged to cover your work day, your doctor’s appointment and your other child’s trip to the specialist. You are feeling accomplished and even a tiny bit smug when all of a sudden it happens. Your childcare falls through so you have to bring your little one along to the doctor. Then the specialist calls and moves the appointment so she’s joining in that appointment too. Then your child gets sick and she needs to stay at home with you while you try and meet deadlines. Has this ever happened to you? How do you keep your munchkin entertained on the go and out of all the wonderful-yet-off-bounds nooks and crannies that can be found in office settings?
Enter Playskool’s Play-Stow-Go toys, a new line of collapsible, portable toys that allow playtime to happen anytime, in just about any setting you desire! You can pop these easily compacted toys in your stroller, purse, diaper bag – some even fit in your pocket, allowing you to bring them out as needed. Your little one can enjoy sensory play time as they develop their fine motor skills. Then you can enjoy a bit of free time to get through your appointment, accomplish a few things on your to do list, or maybe even have an uninterrupted conversation with a friend!
You can check out all the different Play-Stow-Go toys here, and maybe get a jump start on your holiday shopping while you’re there! I know my 2 year old will be asking Santa for a Playskool Dressy Kids Girl. Their collapsible, portable design sure comes in handy when you’re stuffing stockings!
Although this post has been generously sponsored by Playskool, the opinions and language are my own.