Women learn all about body changes from a fairly young age. Puberty to pregnancy, weight loss and weight gain, not
Dear Parents of Boys, Allow me to introduce myself. I am a Mom to 2 amazing little girls. They are
I wear many hats in a day; entrepreneur, chef, blogger, wife, cleaner, taxi and friend among so many more, but
Photo credit Sarah Moldenhauer. © SarahJane Photography I have never been terribly obsessed with weight or size labels on clothing.
My children never fail to find the most appropriate times to drive home life lessons, and last night was
I've been ruminating on what turning 30 means to me, not because I fear or dread it, but I do
Photo credit: This awesome blog -> http://angryjogger.com/10-reasons-why-i-really-hate-running-in-the-rain.html So I completed Day 1 of Couch 2 5K today, and I'm feeling
Image found at http://allforesther.blogspot.ca/ I love this quote. I think it captures a tiny bit of the helplessness parents often
In the aftermath of the hair incident, I spent a lot of time thinking about my interactions with Adri and
August 7th, 2013 Dear Adri, Today I found you in the bathroom after school wetting a comb and running it