For KidsGood Finds

Open the Door to Important Conversations with Your Kids #StreamTeam

Heather van Mil4090 views
conversations with kids

Sometimes conversation doesn’t flow easily with my kids. Either their engrossed in an activity, or I don’t have the words to answer their questions – all sorts of things get in the way when you’re trying to communicate those big, important life lessons. One thing I have found that consistently works for me, surprisingly, is casually chatting during or after a movie or TV show that has been promoting the same message that I want to get across to my kids. 

Many times we’ll be driving home from the movie theatre, or getting ready for bed after family movie night at home and the talk will turn the what we’ve just watched. We’ll share our favourite parts – what made us laugh and cry, and I’ll casually throw other questions in the mix. Why do you think that character behaved that way? Wasn’t it nice when….? How did you feel when…..? Has someone ever said/done that to you? How did you respond? It opens up a great dialogue where those messages that she absorbed subconsciously are translated into her daily life. They have more meaning and hopefully help her learn some important lessons the not-so-hard way. 

There are a lot of great shows with important life lessons built into every episode for kids of all ages! If you haven’t checked them out already, try these ones on for size: 

The Hive on Netflix

 Sibling Rivalry: Watch The Hive – S1E1: Babee’s Room

Puffin Rock on Netflix

Listening to Parents: Watch Puffin Rock – S1E6: Stormy Weather/ Baba’s Adventure

Puss in Boots on Netflix

Self-Love: Watch The Adventures of Puss in Boots – Ep. S1E13: Star

open the door to important conversations - Fuller House on Netflix

Peer Pressure: Watch Fuller House – Ep. S1E6: The Legend of El Explosivo

The Fosters on Netflix

Actions Have Consequences: Watch – S1E1&2: Pilot & Consequently

open the door to important conversations - Glee on Netflix

Body Image: Watch – S1E16: Home

My kids aren’t the only ones learning. I remember the first time I watched Inside Out, Joy is trying to cheer Bing Bong on, but it’s only when Sadness takes the time to sit and empathize with him, and let him feel his sadness, that he’s able to recover. Later on in the movie Joy realizes that many of Riley’s happiest memories came through difficult, sad times. It was a really important reminder for me as a parent that too often I try to cheer my kids through sad times when really I need to listen, empathize and just let them feel their sadness or their anger or their fear. 

While they’re not the only tool in my parenting belt, movies and TV shows open the door to important conversations with my kids. 

Tell me what movies or TV shows have lead to surprising conversations with your children?

All on the table disclaimer: I am a member of the Netflix #StreamTeam program, and receive special perks for sharing all family’s top picks with my fave readers. I was not financially compensated for this post. See full disclosure here. 

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